Support and Services

We don’t have a Support Team.
We have Engineers who solve your problems.

We don’t use chatbots or clueless customer service reps. Instead, you’ll work directly with our engineers — the very same people who built our products and can change them.

Support is everyone’s job and passion. Even our CEO handles tickets and interacts on the forums to make sure our tools work in the real world, and learn how we can improve them.

This translates to top-tier support every time and no escalation needed.

What Customers Say About Our Support

“We wanted to build a custom solution for our download center, but we didn’t want yet another thing to maintain.” 

— Bobbejo Kohler, Salient

“We’re really happy that every time we have a question, we get an answer from Inedo fast.” 

— John Roger, Expert System Engineer, Swiss Re

Inedo’s support for ProGet has been incredible. It is always prompt and thorough. We recently raised Feed API capability that was missing, and it was delivered a couple weeks later.

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